Peace, Love & Cheerleading. The Rest Is Just Details

Chelina is a 17-year-old girl who loves to cheer. Chelina has been diagnosed with ADHD and Nonverbal Learning Disorder (NVLD), but that doesn’t stop her from anything! In fact, Cheerleading helps her out tremendously in dealing with her conditions. Chelina has been cheerleading since she was 7-years old and has made a nice hobby out of it; she’s now on her high-school cheerleading team.

The Time To Cheer Is Near! 

Unfortunately, Chelina had to take a break from Cheer because her mother was not able to afford to pay for her fees, uniform and equipment expenses. Due to Chelina’s mother not able to work much as of late, she had been struggling with payments for cheer and competition fees were overdue. As the high school was aware of the circumstances, they worked with her mother to get Chelina back in to Cheer, but mom became worried of Chelina getting taken off the team eventually due to fees not being paid. Chelina’s mom was at the point where she felt she had to sell some of her belongings to pay for Chelina’s Cheer uniforms.


She Has Spirit!

Opportunity4Kids was happy to give Chelina a Scholarship so she could continue with her High School Cheer team. Her team competed in various local competitions which lead them to nationals. This year Chelina and her cheer team worked very hard, and won first place in the UCA Cactus Cup!  Cheer has brought great joy into Chelinas life. Chelina has raised her grades up, became more active, gained more confidence and has started to be more social. Chelina’s mom shared her gratitude with Opportunity4Kids on receiving a Scholarship for Chelina, “Omg thank you soooo much! You have no idea how much this means to me! I had almost given up hope.  Please let me know if there is anything I can do to give back. You guys are awesome!”

Opportunity4Kids is extremely proud of Chelina’s accomplishments and looks forward to hearing more of Chelina’s success!




Joshua’s Journey Continues!


Chris the All Star